Ousel Falls Trail Rescue

Thursday Sep. 14th, 2023


On September 12, 2023, at 12:03 pm, Gallatin County Dispatch received a report of a person who was hiking Ousel Falls Trail and became dizzy, sweaty, and was possibly having a heart attack.

Gallatin County Sheriff Search and Rescue Big Sky Section volunteers, Big Sky Fire Department and a Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office deputy responded to the patient’s location. The hiker was alert when rescuers arrived but could not walk out on their own. A one-wheel litter was utilized to transport the patient to the awaiting Big Sky Fire ambulance where they were then taken to the next level of care.

Gallatin County Sheriff Dan Springer would like to remind individuals the importance of having a means of communication in case of emergencies, even when going on relatively easy outings. He would also like to commend the hikers for realizing the situation could be serious and quickly calling for help, which allowed first responders to be with the patient 13 minutes after the call was placed.

Photo courtesy of Gallatin County Sheriff’s Office.