Gateway Conservation Alliance Forms to Stop Open-Pit Mine – DEQ Meeting Tuesday July 25th

Thursday Jul. 20th, 2023

GALLATIN GATEWAY, Montana – Concerned citizens from the Gallatin Gateway area have joined forces to create the Gateway Conservation Alliance whose initial goal is to prevent the TMC Inc-Black-3462 open-pit mine application from being approved. Montana DEQ has planned a public meeting to review the application and accept public comments. The meeting is scheduled for 6:00 PM, July 25th at the Gallatin Gateway Community Center (145 Mill St, Gallatin Gateway, MT 59730).

The Gateway Conservation Alliance brings together a diverse group of stakeholders including environmental activists, conservation experts, local businesses, government representatives and especially, concerned citizens. By fostering open dialogue, promoting cooperation, and harnessing collective efforts, the GCA aims to tackle pressing environmental challenges and address the potential threats posed to our beloved Gallatin Gateway.

The initial focus of the GCA is to prevent the approval of the TMC Inc-Black-3462 open-pit mining application and encourages everyone to attend next Tuesday’s meeting. “This proposed mine is the latest in a series of developmental projects in the Gateway area that is vehemently opposed by affected neighbors. We need to make our voices heard and the GCA is our megaphone,” stated Tracie Gibbons, President of the Gateway Conservation Alliance. “That’s why it’s critical for everyone who’s ever travelled south on the 191 towards Big Sky and wants to preserve this end of the Gallatin valley, to turn out next week and support our cause.”

This open-pit mine application is especially damning because of the Opencut Act that should have all Montanans concerned about the future or our landscapes.

Those who can’t attend the meeting in person can join via Zoom:

More information on the can be found at .