Wellness In Action begins remodel of Counseling Hub
Friday Mar. 10th, 2023
Wellness in Action (WIA) is pleased to announce the start of their building remodel to expand the counseling hub. The demand for reliable and accessible behavioral health services continues to increase in Big Sky. To meet this demand, WIA has undertaken a remodel project to add more in person and telehealth counseling rooms, bring the building up to ADA compliance standards and overall increase the capacity for counselors to see more clients.
“We are so fortunate to have the support of the Big Sky Resort Tax Board to help us fund this much needed remodel as well as the building owner Jeff Helms” said WIA Board President, Michelle Kendziorski.
Danielle Osti Chenoweth, one of the counselors on the WIA platform, says “It is very exciting to see WIA expand their vision for the overall health and wellness of Big Sky. They have been incredibly helpful and supportive for the community. This expansion will provide even more resources for Big Sky residents and members of the workforce.”
Construction, overseen by Todd Rossier of Two Bear Construction Company, started on February 23rd with an anticipated completion of summer 2023. If you are interested in touring the site during the remodel process, please send an email to info@wiabigsky.com.
WIA is dedicated to community well-being by connecting individuals to a network of resources.
WIA is a registered 501c(3) nonprofit. If you would like to learn more about our programs please visit https://bigskywia.org.
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