This year Bozeman Elks Lodge #463 celebrated 124 years of service

Friday Dec. 23rd, 2022

 This year Bozeman Elks Lodge #463 celebrated 124 years of service.
During the past year, Bozeman Elks Lodge #463 collaborated with community partners, hosted special events, focused on youth, veterans, and improving community life in cities and towns throughout Southwest Montana.
Lodge #463 partnered with American Legion Post #14 to place 2500 flags on Veterans’ graves at Sunset Hills Cemetery and proudly walk in the Memorial Day Parade...
Recognized a community member as Veteran of the Year for exemplifying the "Can Do Spirit" With Honor, Courage, And Commitment in his personal life and in serving his country.
Participated in Music on Main as a friend of Downtown Bozeman to share information with parents about the Elks Hoop Shoot and Elks Drug Awareness Program.
Provided online resources and evidence-based strategies to reduce underage drinking, excessive drinking, tobacco use, impaired driving, and illegal drug use on C-CODA’s website ( that is funded by the Elks National Foundation Beacon Grant.

Hosted a Flag Retirement Service in partnership with American Legion Post #14, Vietnam Veterans of Southwest Montana, Boy Scouts Troop 649, and Cub Scouts Troop 3649.
Honored Veterans with a BBQ and Jazz Music performance on a summer night in July.
Held an Elks Hoop Shoot free throw event for youth ages 8-13 in Manhattan, Montana.
Participated in National Night Out event that is aimed to bring neighborhoods, businesses, and public safety together to promote a positive presence of public servants in our community. 
Partnered with American Legion Post #14 and Vietnam Veterans of Southwest Montana to support the Salvation Army's Red Kettle Campaign that will make a year-round impact in our community through social services assistance, homeless shelters, and disaster relief. 
Participated in Wreaths Across America Day at Vietnam War Memorial Wall, Sunset Hills Cemetery in Bozeman, Montana to remember and honor our veterans through the laying of Remembrance Wreaths on the graves of our country’s fallen heroes.
Participated and supported Hope & The Holidays as an affiliate member to provide gifts, food and support to families in and around Bozeman and the Gallatin Valley, during the holiday season, and all year long.
Presented a $4,000 Check (Beacon Grant) to The Travis W. Atkins Veteran Support Center at Montana State University and a $2,000 Check (Spotlight Grant) to the Greater Gallatin United Way's Dolly Parton's Imagination Library.