Restaurants with Live Music = More Clients

Tuesday Nov. 1st, 2022

Music is an element that restaurants do not always take into account. However, this makes us wonder "is it really necessary?". Well, the reality is that sound is directly related to improving the customer experience.

Music can completely change the ambiance of your establishment and provide a unique and enjoyable environment. If you want to know more about the influence of music in restaurants, read on. Here we explain everything you need to know and more. 

Music as a sensory stimulus

A pleasant melody is the best way to stimulate the sense of hearing. Music has the ability to influence the brain and affect our emotions and behaviors. A song can help us to activate our creativity or release accumulated stress. 

The choice of music in a restaurant is very important to offer a pleasant evening to customers. This can be associated with sensory marketing, where the five senses are stimulated to enhance the user experience.

It has been proven that music and visual stimuli are the main factors in enhancing the customer experience. People often use sites like nicelocal to find a restaurant with pleasant music and ambiance. In Bozeman, Bozeman Magazine has the best directory of area restaurants including those with live music.

Emotional connection between music and food

We already saw how music has the ability to stimulate us in different ways. But what is the connection between a good tune and food? The answer is that songs have the ability to stimulate our emotional memory.

A song can awaken nostalgic feelings by reminding us of moments of happiness or strong emotions that we unconsciously associate with food. 

A good dish can remind you of grandma's recipes. While sound can bring back memories of the music your mother listened to while cooking. 

Therefore, music and food have the power to transport us to another era. This makes people feel more connected to the place. 

Music as a motivational tool

Music can be a great motivational tool. Many people listen to their favorite songs while cleaning or cooking. For that reason, a good musical environment can make customers feel motivated to enter your place and stay.

It is worth mentioning that music not only influences customers, but also employees. Creating a pleasant working environment greatly increases the quality of service. Try to find a playlist with inspirational songs.

How to choose the right music for your restaurant?

Reading all the above it is clear that music is the ideal ingredient to provide a greater attraction in restaurants. Although it is important to know how to choose the perfect type of songs to set the mood. Here we explain what you should take into account to achieve it: 

The type of restaurant
The first thing to do is to think about the essence of your restaurant. Look at the look of the place and think about the atmosphere you want to create with the melody. Remember that music has the ability to transform the image you want to convey to your customers.

If you have a specific theme it is easier, for example, Chinese, Mexican or traditional food. You can use music from the place or similar to set the mood. Remember that the songs should be varied, you can achieve this by finding out about types of music that fit with your place.

The customers
It is very important to take into account the personality, style and age of your target audience. Obviously you can't please everyone, but you can find the music that fits directly with your target.

If you have a young audience, they will have fun listening to the songs of the moment, without confusing you with a discotheque. On the other hand, if you have much older customers, it will be better to opt for classics that take them to other times.

The idea is to think about what kind of music they would expect to find in your restaurant. To get a better idea you can ask your most trusted customers directly.

When choosing a playlist for your restaurant, always take into account the schedule. You can look at it this way: playing loud music in the morning hours may not be the best alternative. At this time customers usually prefer a relaxing type of music, such as jazz.

What should you avoid?

If you want to add a musical touch to your establishment there are a few things you should avoid doing. First of all, don't set the volume too high. It can be annoying and prevent customers from conversing at ease.

On the other hand, you should not play a wide variety of music, make sure that all the songs keep a similar style. Finally, to avoid playing the radio, it is not pleasant to listen to the advertising and announcements of the stations.