What Can Cause An Anxiety Disorder?

Thursday Aug. 18th, 2022

Anxiety is the name given to a collection of different disorders. Those that suffer from an anxiety disorder are prone to feeling stressed, worried, or scared in certain situations.

There is no one reason behind the triggering of an anxiety disorder, which can make it especially difficult to treat. Here, we want to go through some of the most common causes of anxiety disorders. When you have the condition treated, it will often need to be established as to what caused the disorder in the first place. 


One of the main causes of anxiety disorder is trauma. People experience a situation it has a bad outcome. Their brain then starts to get 'worried' every time they face that same situation in the future. Essentially, the brain is trying to avoid the same previous outcome. This is often treated through CBT. 


Anxiety disorders are often a symptom of pent-up stress. There is only so much the brain can cope with. If somebody is constantly dealing with stress, it may start to manifest as anxiety.

Drug; Alcohol Abuse

Drugs; alcohol can change the chemistry of the brain. Of course, since a change in brain chemistry can cause anxiety disorders, it is not uncommon for those who abuse drugs; alcohol to experience anxiety disorders.

The anxiety disorder may be caused by drugs seemingly 'innocent' when consumed in large quantities. For example, heavy caffeine drinkers have been known to have anxiety issues. 

Mental Health Conditions

Anxiety disorders could be the result of other mental health conditions. For example, it isn't uncommon for those suffering from depression to have a related anxiety issue. In addition, long-term issues such as PTSD and OCD can also result in anxiety. 

In order to treat the anxiety, the underlying mental health condition will often need to be treated. Therefore, you can think of the anxiety disorder as more of a symptom than something that can be tackled independently.


Certain medications may cause anxiety disorders. This includes medications that can often treat other mental health conditions.

If you are taking a medication and you believe that it is causing you to suffer from anxiety, then it is essential that you speak to your doctor. Many drugs can be substituted for a different one, or they may be able to provide you with advice on how that anxiety can be best managed.


Sadly, if you have a direct blood relative that suffers from an anxiety disorder, then the chances of you suffering from an anxiety disorder are going to be higher. This is because anxiety disorders, just like most other mental health conditions, can be tied closely to genes.

These anxiety disorders will often be some of the most difficult to treat. After all, we cannot change our genes.

Certain Personalities 

Finally, certain personality types are more likely to suffer from anxiety disorders. For example, for those that have a personality that leans more toward being a perfectionist, then anxiety is a genuine possibility. The same applies to those that may have a much more timid personality. Same with those with low self-esteem.

No matter what the cause of your anxiety disorder is, know that it is treatable. Sure, some underlying causes can be much more challenging to deal with. However, don't be afraid to seek help. Even if the anxiety cannot be eliminated immediately, seeking help may make it alot easier to manage your condition.