Diversity Issues in the Workplace

Monday Feb. 28th, 2022

The concept of diversity encompasses acceptance and respect. It promotes the idea that each individual is unique and has individual differences. Diversity meaning can differ in different areas, but the main idea is always to show respect and acceptance to people.

The concept of diversity goes along with questions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age. And also physical abilities, religious and political beliefs, etc. Each topic of this list has been more and more researched for the last couple of years. Essay examples can be found in many languages. There are diversity essays, scientific works, and research papers on the topic. Students learn these concepts at university and college. Advanced schools have interpreted these concepts to make even small children understand.

In the modern world, every individual seeks acceptance and respect at every place. Whether it's their own home with family and relatives or office with foreign people. In most cases, our close circle of family, relatives, and friends is a place where all people have similar visions, respect similar ideas, and believe in similar things. But what to do if your office environment seems to be unhealthy in questions of diversity? Is this an individual problem or a big issue to discuss?

Why Is This A Common Problem?
Discrimination at work is an infringement of the rights of an employee. The actions of the employer are not related to the business qualities of the employee. This issue can affect whole groups of people and prevent them from making what they love because some stereotypes appeared.

Why Is This A Global Issue?
There are many types of discrimination, forms of discrimination, and expressions of it. To create a genuinely diverse team and build mechanisms to prevent discrimination, people need to have the right education on the topic.

Discrimination At Work
Discrimination is the treatment or prejudice of a person based on any characteristics. One can be discriminated by age, gender, ethnicity, skin color, any preferences that differ from the office atmosphere. Discrimination in the workplace is not always a straight action. Discrimination is also the lack of action or reaction to harassment or any other unsuitable behavior.

The work environment must be safe and friendly. No discrimination should be allowed because it can affect people's health, their professional and personal life, and impact organizational culture and productivity.

Gender-based discrimination can affect everyone, both men and women. In modern patriarchal society, a woman is much more likely to encounter various manifestations of sexism. There are many faces of sexism. The most common one is related to mother status. Employers and recruiters often ask about future pregnancies or children before accepting a woman for a position. Another example is called the glass ceiling, and it refers to the career of a woman. This term means an unacknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession.

Fighting sexism at work is challenging, primarily because it is hidden. An employer will never admit to denying a woman a promotion just because of gender. Or will not voice the actual reason why she did not get the vacancy.

Stereotyping: how it differs from discrimination?
Stereotyping is quite a common issue, and it manifests itself in a variety of forms. It affects various aspects of work, from hiring and dismissal to wages. What is stereotyping, and how does it differ from discrimination?

Discrimination is based on a stereotypical attitude towards a particular person. For instance, many employers believe that men are better managers and women are more suitable for creative work. Another example is related to ethnicity or skin color: there is a stereotype that Japanese are workaholics and African Americans are likely to join organized crime. There are many more, and they affect all people worldwide, creating unequal conditions.

The best practice to avoid discrimination is to take action in any possibly discriminated area. Make the work processes transparent and accessible. Make announcements about the opportunity to move up the career ladder public to all. Create clear criteria for applicants. Interview the employees on the topic or create an anonymous survey. Take care of verbal communication in the office - make sure no one is offended even by the slightest joke.

Remember - the prohibition of discrimination in the workplace is designed to provide everyone with equal opportunities and a comforting atmosphere.