City of Bozeman to plant trees in much needed area of S. 20th St in Bozeman in celebration of Arbor Day

Monday Apr. 26th, 2021

On Friday April 30th from 12 – 1 PM the City of Bozeman Parks & Recreation Department - Forestry Division will host a tree planting event in Bozeman to celebrate Arbor Day. The celebration will kick off with planting street trees along S 20th Street between Babcock and Dickerson and marks the start of the City’s planting season.

This year’s event centers around planting street trees in an area of Bozeman that is noticeably devoid of trees along the roadway. Volunteers will plant, stake, mulch, and install watering bags to establish the new trees.
The Forestry Division is partnering with the Gallatin Watershed Council (GWC) for this project. In preparation for the event, GWC staff surveyed local residents to gauge interest in tree planting and helped to recruit volunteers.
Forestry Division Manager Alex Nordquest says, “Both of our organizations recognize the benefits urban trees provide to local water quality. New trees also provide clean air and wildlife habitat.”
Nordquest adds, “Our goal in Forestry is to maintain and grow a diverse urban forest here in Bozeman. The opportunity to plant trees where none were before is not only good for our tree health, it also enhances this area for all who live and walk nearby.”
This Arbor Day celebrates the 27th year that Bozeman has been recognized as a Tree City USA. Last year, more than 2,500 cities achieved the title of Tree City USA with a combined population of 150 million.