The Outdoors Are Calling. Should You Answer?

Tuesday Dec. 15th, 2020

The great outdoors.

These days, after being trapped indoors for so long, we don’t just yearn for it, we’ve gained an even greater appreciation of it. After being deprived of being able to easily access and just go out and experience them for so long, it feels one would be in a rush to go back out there and dive headfirst into it, right?

After all, if you think about it, it should be safer out there, right?
You can’t get any more “social distancing” than a trip outdoors.

However, that’s not to say we should hop on our cars and head out. Like all things, you need to prepare appropriately. And as such, we’ve compiled a list of things you can do so that you can best prepare for that outdoor trip you’ve been sorely missing.

Staying Safe, Safe, and Safe

Of course, the first thing you’ll think about when you think of doing pretty much anything these days is safety. There is still a pandemic raging after all. Aside from social distancing and having a few spare masks, there are other areas of safety you should consider.

Danger lurks on every corner, after all, be it natural or man itself.

And as such, feeling safe is paramount and something we all strive for.

One of the things you should look into immediately, and can be used even outside of your planned trip, would be non-lethal self-defense. The easiest and probably one of the first things you can look into are pepper spray and stun-guns.

If you’re careful enough, want something with good stopping power and is relatively inexpensive, then look into pepper spray. If you don’t want the hassle of figuring out the best way and distance of using pepper spray, and you don’t mind getting up close and personal, then maybe a stun gun could do the trick for you.

Another more straightforward and far safer non-lethal form of self-defense would be noisemakers. It can be very effective in driving people and, more importantly, wild animals away, without having to resort to violence. If you can solve the problem with a noisemaker, you should immediately do so.

Another thing you could look into are metal or aluminum bats.

We’re not kidding. They’re highly effective, require no prior experience and balance both close range and some distance. It’s simple and effective.

However, if you need something a little more than that in order to feel extra safe during your trip, you can explore firearms. Getting into the specifics of what you may need will require an entire article in itself, but one pro-tip we can give you is that you can check out Shooting Mystery’s website if you want to learn more about what could work best for you.

After all, you can’t put a price on safety. And in times like these, safety is one of the things we need to feel the most in this world.

So if you’re going to plan for a trip, feel safe with the level of safety you have.

Plan Smart, Plan Ahead

Now that you’re bringing a level of safety you’re comfortable with; now that you’re sure you’re going to be okay, you can dive into the logistics of your trip. We can't stress enough how important it is to plan and map out every aspect of your trip.

Where are you going? Is it near where you live, or hours away? Is it going to be a long trip? An overnighter? Or perhaps a day trip?

What kind of experience are you and the people you’re with, if ever you’re a small group, going for? Are you guys going to rough it out, really rely on yourselves and what nature has to provide, or are you more for the glamping experience?

For that matter, are you using a Tent or an RV?

And once you’ve set up your home base, what activities are essential for you to do? Do you want to go rafting or climbing? Maybe hiking or biking? Depending on your answers to these questions, the place where you end up going may vary, so be sure to do your research!

Your enjoyment depends on whether you’re going to go to the right place for you, or not. This is especially important if you’re thinking of bringing along kids. But with the state of everything right now, maybe it’s best to leave the kids at home if possible.

They can come along once the world is a little bit safer, a little bit healthier.

What’s Cooking?

Eating in the great outdoors can be one of the highlights of your trip. Planning for it to go right and making sure the menu is served properly throughout the entire trip – be it a day or even more – can be a little challenging and daunting,

You have to rise to the challenge!

So be sure to know what it is precisely you want to eat and work your way back through all the details. How will you be cooking your meals? How will you be storing them and how long will each of the ingredients last?

Can you prepare some of it at home and just bring it along, or does it need to be ready there?

Be sure to have everything ready – from your tools to your ingredients and a means of storage – and you’ll be all set.

One pro-tip we would give though is to consider where you’re going, and what you’ll be doing for your trip, as well as the vibe you’re going for. With that taken into consideration, you can build your menu to supplement the overall experience you’re going for.

You rarely get to do something like this. So why not make it the best possible experience you can, right?

Are You Ready?

Safety, preparedness and food – now that you know what you need to make a successful day trip or camping session, the ball is now firmly in your court. Remember our tips and tricks, be thoughtful, plan and be prepared for anything – be it good or bad.

If you do, you’re sure to have a wonderful time when you finally make your way to that outdoor trip you’ve been dreaming of for a while now.

Good luck!