32nd Annual Cleanup Day over 500 participants

Monday Apr. 25th, 2016

The City of Bozeman’s Sustainability, Neighborhoods, and Solid Waste Divisions partnered with the Bozeman Beautification Advisory Board to host the 32nd Annual Cleanup Day on Saturday, April 23. Over 500 police, neighbors, and friends were out in the community collecting trash and recyclables to keep Bozeman as the Most Livable Place.

The event kicked off at the Bozeman Public Library with a Welcome from Deputy Mayor Cyndy Andrus. “Picking up garbage and litter in our community is not something everyone likes to do but it’s something that’s really important” said Andrus.

As a result of the event 114 bags of trash, 27 bags of recyclables, and 30 bags of compost were picked up from streets, alleys, and parks in Bozeman.

Now community members won’t need to wait until the next annual event to cleanup because the City of Bozeman has decided to extend Cleanup Day to everyday. The City of Bozeman Solid Waste Division’s new program, Cleanup Bozeman, offers individuals and groups a chance to cleanup whenever it’s convenient. The Solid Waste Division will provide everything you need to get the job done. To sign‐up call 582‐3236.

For more information and to sign up for the cleanup, please visit www.bozeman.net/CleanupDay or contact Jessica Johnson, Bozeman Neighborhood Coordinator at 582‐2274 or jjohnson@bozeman.net.