$75K Symphony Summer Challenge

Wednesday Jul. 15th, 2015

An anonymous foundation has generously offered the Bozeman Symphony an exciting matching-grant program—the $75K Symphony Summer Challenge. It’s simple: For every two dollars we raise, the foundation will give the symphony an additional dollar, and will match any money raised up to $75,000.00. And even better—if $75,000 goal is reached, the foundation will match DOLLAR FOR DOLLAR up to an additional $25,000.00. It’s an amazing opportunity to strengthen the Bozeman Symphony Society, and replenish reserve funding to keep the organization going strong well into the future.
The Symphony is asking the community to take part in the $75K Symphony Summer Challenge. Any dollars raised between now and September 25th, 2015 will qualify for the match. Individual donations, new season subscriptions, new concert program advertisers, new concert sponsors, and all underwriter donations qualify. The only catch is that the foundation will only match dollars we have received, and not pledged dollars.
Funding received through this campaign will go to support the many successful and popular programs provided to the Gallatin Valley and beyond, such as education and outreach programs, children’s and family concerts, Symphony at the Shane recital series, piano recital series, Festival of the Fourth free concert, and much more. Did you know only 40% of the Symphony’s operating income is derived from ticket sales, yet provided are so many free and inexpensive ways to experience the Symphony? Please consider a generous donation as soon as possible for this matching grant opportunity, and help keep the Symphony strong and vibrant.

For more information or to make a donation, contact the Bozeman Symphony at 585-9774 or visit us online at www.bozemansymphony.org.