10am-2pm Sat. Dec. 18

Winter Wonderland

During winter break, stop in for some extra fun to celebrate the winter season! Different science experiments and crafts at the Science Station each day of winter break.

Montana Science Center 2744 W Main St, Bozeman

Cost: with admission

1-2pm Sat. Dec. 18

Sleigh What: Holiday Improv for the Whole Family

Join LBC &RAS for improvised holiday family fun! We'll use audience ideas to put a wacky spin on winter fun: a sleigh pulled by mermaids, skydiving Santas, grumpy purple snowmen - you never know what will happen when we bring kid's ideas to life!

Last Best Comedy 321 E Main, Alley Entrance off Rouse, Bozeman

Cost: $10

Age: All Ages