Sat. Dec. 4
Color the Santa page ( and submit via email by December 5, 2021! Winners in each age group receive free admission to Skate with Santa Dec 10, and hot chocolate. In order to win, all you have to do is color the attached coloring page and submit it online.
Cost: FREE
8-10am Sat. Dec. 4
People on the Autism Spectrum and their families can now enjoy a gentler way to experience the museum. Arrive before open hours and avoid crowds, noise, and distractions.
Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman
Cost: Included w/ admission
Age: All Ages
5-6pm Sat. Dec. 4
Join LBC &RAS for improvised holiday family fun! We'll use audience ideas to put a wacky spin on winter fun: a sleigh pulled by mermaids, skydiving Santas, grumpy purple snowmen - you never know what will happen when we bring kid's ideas to life!
Last Best Comedy 321 E Main, Alley Entrance off Rouse, Bozeman
Cost: $10
Age: All Ages