noon Wed. Sep. 7

Qigong Movement Class

Movement Classes on Wednesdays!

Lindley Park 626 E Main St, Bozeman

Cost: No Cover

6-7:15pm Wed. Sep. 7

Chakra Bliss 6 Week Series Begins

Discover your own personal imbalances and learn to bring greater wellness and bliss to our life through Mantras, Mudras, Yoga and meditation.

Starlite Bozeman 622 E Tamarack St, Bozeman

Cost: $90 for all 6 weeks

Age: 14+

6-7:30pm Wed. Sep. 7

Mindfulness in Nature

A four-week session following therapeutic practices promoting health and well-being through the simple act of being immersed in nature, connecting to its inherent rituals and rhythms through all five senses. Details and registration online.

Various Locations in Gallatin Valley, Bozeman

Cost: $100/Month

Age: Adult