Clouds Over Bozeman
Tuesday Jul. 2nd, 2013
I remember being a young dreamer, discovering the love I have for staring off at the clouds. I found myself lying in the grass trying to figure out how the sky got so blue and finding shapes in all the billowing fluffy white cotton candy art that floated across the sky. Every shape was a new story, new animal, new feeling. How did it move so quickly across the sky and become a completely new story, animal or feeling? Not to mention the great birds of prey to be found hunting high in the sky. Mix in the possibility of a tornado picking me up and carrying me away to some crazy place with witches and flying monkeys, and like a sweet late night beverage I couldn’t get enough. Later, I learned how the moisture on the ground and in the air combined with the great power of our intensely heated sun, threw in a little wind, although with various other factors, and tah-dah created a great wonderful water spigot for the world, feeding everything on this blue marble of a rock we inhabit with life giving H2O!
In the middle of the 90s I moved to Boulder, Colorado. I learned a lot of new things there and of all the new knowledge I acquired, one piece I thought NOT to be knowledge, was some babble about the government spraying chemicals over populated areas to brainwash people. “CRAZY PEOPLE, RUN” was all I could think! Our Government isn’t capable of such nonsense. Why, what, who, where? Some people seem to be conspiracy hungry. None the less, you can’t unhear things and in the back of my head a memory of the conversation existed, not unlike my lifelong love of the sky.
Years later, I began to notice new things happening around me in the sky–not on any large scale, just a couple of lingering trails across the sky from time to time. No big deal. “Contrails looking strange today,” I’d think to myself, “must be extra moisture in the air today, or must be some new fuel mixture. I haven’t heard any news; guess I’ll pay more attention.”
Soon I was convinced chemtrails were a reality. I’d seen dozens at a time; still no sane people were talking about it, so neither was I. I thought: how many jets should be flying over me on a typical day? Not many here in big sky country. You can really tell when they’re not working and how much air travel should be there.
The winter of â12 and â13 was a particularly busy year around Bozeman for the pilots and makers of whatever they’re spraying. On some days they hit the same line every 15 to 20 minutes! I’ll have to say, for me that watching chemicals fly out of a plane and turn into clouds has got to be the most unnerving thing I’ve ever witnessed. Not knowing where to start I looked them up, and witnessed the same things on video from around the globe that I had been seeing in reality. Videos of contrails were coupled with some of the more fringe people talking about molds and nanobots, super infected bacteria, and mind and birth control. The most believable stories were about geoengineering, a.k.a., weather manipulation. But global warming is a unicorn; it doesn’t exist. Why would our leaders pay for weather manipulation if it doesn’t need manipulated, and our grandchildren are already in debt? So many questions!
Air to breathe has to be on the top of the list of important things in life. If you come up with something more important please inform me–I missed that memo. It seems that we as a country are trying to force people to be on a health kick. If that’s so we better step back and look long and hard at what we are doing in the long run, as well as the immediate. If it wasn’t an issue the government should be able to tell us what they are doing, so there must be some risk. (Some say, it’s what’s browning the forest, and if you use anything other than water on your plants at home, you might think the same.) What are the rewards? Is there anything we can do? Sadly, I have no real answer. We can only guess what is going on until they tell us what they are doing. I tried to contact the Governor to see what he had to say, but his response was “no time, no comment!” Few leaders seem to be talking about it, but the truth is that something is going on, and many dollars are being spent. We will only learn the cost to our health in time. Just google geoengineering or chemtrails. There are a couple of good pages on Facebook. The chemtrail awareness page is a good place to start and you will find arguments dismissing them as well, and to be truly open minded you must read or watch that information. If you don’t see the difference between normal contrails and what is described as geoengineering, you just don’t want to. And if you don’t care, chances are you didn’t read this far. Just accept that chemtrails are a reality, there is an ongoing experiment happening in our skies, and many dollars are being spent. Maybe not everywhere all the time, but all the time somewhere, they are hard at work. If you have seen them or when you finally do, just remember to stay positive, and like Jack the stargazer said, “Keep looking up!”
Mike DeJaynes is a parent, writer and musician living in Bozeman. Self-educated in the many regions of the United States, Mr. DeJaynes also attended poaching classes at Iowa State University and the University of Colorado. He spends his free time with family and or in the woods.
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