The 2013 Energy Smackdown is a year-long community challenge

Wednesday May. 29th, 2013

The 2013 Energy Smackdown is a year-long community challenge designed to increase awareness and inspire residents to conserve energy at home. Emerging from the City of Bozeman’s 10% energy reduction goal, the 2013 Bozeman Energy Smackdown is an easy way for Bozeman residents to evaluate their household energy use, engage with neighbors, and save on their bottom line. A team of local and national professionals make it simple to increase home energy efficiency by providing online energy tracking, tools, resources, and incentives. With prizes and a bit of friendly competition, residents will be motivated to act. Just a 10% energy reduction among households would collectively save Bozeman residents more than one million dollars each year. The Energy Smackdown will spark interest in energy efficiency and reinvigorate the local home improvement industry.

How It Works:

  •   The Smackdown will kick-off in April 22nd, 2013 and will continue for one year.
  •   Bozeman residents can take the Smackdown Challenge online at

  •   Participants will enter the 12-months of utility data online and track progress by entering their utility

    data each month for the duration of the competition.

  •   Entering home square footage will provide an estimate of energy use intensity (kBTU/square foot), providing an energy fitness rating for homes. Ratings will help gauge how each home is doing compared to other participants.


  •   Energy conservation booklets for participants.
  •   Kiosk displays with information on Energy Star and NorthWestern Energy rebates.
  •   Home weatherization workshops taught by the experts at the Montana Weatherization Center.
  •   Online access to:

o Information on no-cost and low-cost actions for homeowners or renters.
o A do-it-yourself energy audit to refine priority areas.
o Videos on weatherization produced by the Montana Weatherization Center. o Energy efficiency apps for smartphones.
o A summary of NWE rebates and tax credits for energy efficiency.
o A list of NorthWestern Energy approved contractors.
o Links to local home energy efficiency resources.


  •   Energy Smackdown window decals for all participants.
  •   Each month participants will have an opportunity to submit their weatherization projects and

    stories to be eligible to win prizes and recognition.

  •   At the end of the year, grand prize winners will be selected from two main categories:


o Greatest percent reduction.

o Greatest overall reduction (total kBTU saved).

  •  Grand prize winners will be selected by a jury of weatherization professionals, with results verified

    through utility bills.

  •   Near the end of the competition, all participants will receive a 2014 Bozeman calendar filled with

    energy efficiency resources and important dates.

    Current Partners:

    Energy Smackdown Sponsorship Opportunities:

    Sponsorship from local businesses and organizations is essential to ensure a successful event. By supporting the Energy Smackdown, you show your commitment to fostering a sustainable community in Bozeman. In-kind donations will be gladly accepted.