Rail Jam Big Sky March 2 and 3
Wednesday Feb. 1st, 2012
Big Sky Resort presents the 2012 Chamberlin Rail Jam for the Montana South West. The weekend of March 2 and 3 the Streets will rumble, windows will shatter and the firmament rises. Cold steel and rebar shall sprout from deep, hungry fissures of Lone Mountain.
Fear not the mighty beast that approaches to spew style and frost upon the teeming masses, the Rail Jam this way comes. The annual eruption of unequivocal skills is primed and ready to climb above the clouds to its own tremulous war cry. Let us echo this cry together as shredders and shreddettes hone their bones upon the stark framework of rails, and slice the electric mountain air.
As stated, this year’s competition is presented by Big Sky Resort and is set to crush the expectations of the past four years Rail Jams into fine pink goo. Two full days of hip hop and electronic music, epic riding, killer giveaways, raging bonfires, crowded hot tubs, great bar specials, video games, and of course a huge rail-sliding colossus transformation await those who are smart enough to attend.
If you will be away and can not attend this event there is another event similar to this one in Missoula on March 9 and 10. Info for both events are at ChamberlinRailJam.com
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