Black Box Theatre Presents The Understudy

Wednesday Feb. 1st, 2012

Ever wonder what goes on behind the scenes of a Broadway play?  Enjoy a  peek backstage in Theresa Rebeck’s fast paced comedy, The Understudy,  presented by Montana State University’s School of Film and Photo at the Black Box Theater (11th and Grant on campus), Friday and Saturday evenings,  February  17th through March 3rd, at 7:30 pm.

Directed by MSU theatre professor Stephanie Campbell,  The Understudy takes place behind the scenes during the Broadway run of a long lost Kafka play, introducing a cast of characters including a star who doesn’t understand the play, a disgruntled stage manager, a stoner set technician and an understudy trapped in a thankless job amidst all the comic chaos. In this bitingly witty and entertaining comedy the Boston Globe called, “…funny, funny, funny,” the lights of Broadway cast an affectionate glow over this look at one of the most notorious roles in the theatre: the understudy.

Playwright Theresa Rebeck is one of her generation’s major talents.  A highly prolific and award-winning  writer, Ms. Rebeck  has enjoyed much success writing for film, television and theatre.  The Understudy was  well-received during its  off-Broadway  run in 2009, and her latest comedy, Seminar, starring Alan Rickman, is currently receiving rave reviews on Broadway. Ms. Rebeck’s television career continues, as well, with the upcoming NBC series, Smash, for which she is head writer.

Tickets for The Understudy are $10 for students and $12 for adults, and are available in advance at First Interstate Bank in the SUB, Cactus Records downtown, at the front desk of the Visual Communications Building at 11th and Grant streets, the Black Box reservation line at 994-3904, or purchase at the door.