Old Town/New Town: Is the Doctor In?

Jerry Schuster

Please don’t make me tell you again. Okay, I will give you a hint, but it is subtle and you will have to guess. It has to do with moving from Wolf Point in northeast Montana (Old Town) to Bozeman (New Town) and all of the changes we’ve…

Hunting For Love In The 406

Alyssa Mavor

Date By State: You and Your Neighbor Might Have the Same Romantic Interests

Red Ants Pants Festival Announcement Party

Pat Hill

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Sarah Calhoun's retail space at Red Ants Pants headquarters in White Sulphur Springs was crammed with people the Saturday night before Easter, as she made the much-anticipated announcement of the lineup for this summer's Red Ants Pants Music Festival

The Montana Craigslist Reclaimed Home

Penny by Penny or Piece by Piece

It was early last fall, I was browsing Craigslist, and a post about the need for reclaimed materials caught my eye. It said something to this effect: Hi everyone I’m Scott, my wife and I just bought ten acres of land and are trying to build our…

Old Town/New Town: Grocery Shopping 101

Jerry Schuster

Last time I told you that I would not mention again that my wife and I moved from Wolf Point to Bozeman for “semi-retirement.” Therefore, just ignore this opening paragraph if you remember that from last time. If you do remember, please…

1,000 New Gardens of Bozeman

Help MSU Students Transform Lawns into Vegetable Gardens

Sarah Cairoli

Bozeman residents, get your shovels! April 11 is Dig Day and the group 1,000 New Gardens of Bozeman will be installing 15 vegetable gardens throughout the city. 15 new gardens may sound impossible but, last year they installed ten new gardens in a…

Will you be a philanthropist on May 5th?

When you hear the word “philanthropist” – what is the first thing that comes to mind? Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, or Oprah? We commonly associate the act of philanthropy with these billionaires. However, community members like you…