Bozeman Wellness Center
We offer a unique approach to health and wellbeing that focuses on finding and treating the cause of your health concerns. We take the time to listen, answer questions and explain what we find. We use chiropractic, herbs, vitamins, therapeutic essential oils and homeopathy to treat a wide range of health concerns. We are chiropractic physicians, specializing in Applied Kinesiology. We also use standard physical examination, orthopedic, blood and saliva tests. Our treatments are designed to help you live naturally, live healthy and live optimally.
At Bozeman Wellness Center We Help Adults and Children with:
Headaches, Diabetes, Indigestion, Constipation, Asthma, Fatigue, Allergies, Hormonal Issues, Arthritis, Pain (chronic or due to injury), and many other health concerns.
Bozeman, MT 59018