10:15-11am Fri. Dec. 3

Preschool Storytime

Featuring songs, rhymes, and stories with a slightly more complex structure followed up by a craft or activity and socialization time.

Belgrade Community Library 106 N Broadway, Belgrade

Cost: FREE

Age: children ages 3-6

2:30pm Fri. Dec. 3

Kids' Science Club

Come to the Belgrade Community Library directly after early release on the first friday of the month to participate in science experiments and learn about different aspects of science.

Belgrade Community Library 106 N Broadway, Belgrade

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages

6-11pm Fri. Dec. 3

Holiday Light Park

Stroll through an outdoor winter wonderland each night in Dec from dusk to 11pm. The park will be filled with sparkling lights including the Memorial Light Tunnels and decorated with your favorite holiday inflatable characters.

Belgrade Senior Center 92 E Cameron Ave, Belgrade

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages