Thu. Jul. 22

Red Ants Pants Music Festival 

Named the “Montana Event of the Year” by the Montana Office of Tourism, RAP takes place on a working cow pasture at the Jackson Ranch just outside of White Sulphur Springs, Montana.

7-11pm Thu. Jul. 22

Robert Earl Keen

"The road goes on forever..." It's not always easy to sum up a career -- let alone a life's ambition -- so succinctly, but those five words from Robert Earl Keen's calling-card anthem just about do it.

Lewis & Clark Brewing 1517 dodge ave, Helena

Cost: $29

Age: All Ages

7:15-10:30pm Thu. Jul. 22

Music in the Mountains: Magnolia Boulevard

The Arts Council of Big Sky will once again bring Music in the Mountains, a great place to enjoy the outside sunshine every Thursday from June 3rd- September 9th while listening to local and touring artists.

Big Sky Town Center Ousel Falls Road , Big Sky

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages