9am-3pm Wed. Mar. 13

Spring Break Camp: Cryptid Creatures

Would a mermaid be able to breathe underwater, or need to come up for air? How would sasquatch stay warm? Jin us for a week of cryptid fun at MSC! Learn all about the science behind our favorite cryptids and mythical creatures.

Montana Science Center 2744 W Main St, Bozeman

Cost: $250 ($295 with Aftercare)

Age: Grades 1-5

10am-noon Wed. Mar. 13

Spring Fling

Each day during Spring Break, hands-on science at the Science Station and a spring-themed craft to take home!

Montana Science Center 2744 W Main St, Bozeman

Cost: Included with Admission

Age: All Ages

1-2pm Wed. Mar. 13

Sensational Babies

Read, sing, play, and learn with your baby through sensory awareness activities designed specifically for newborns to age 18 months. Registration is required.

Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman

Cost: Included with membership/admission

Age: Ages 0 -18 months

6:30-8pm Wed. Mar. 13

File Design for Laser Cutting

In this class we will be learning how to make SVG files using the free program Inkscape.

Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

Age: 14+