Mon. Nov. 14

Big Kid STEAM Play: Bird Art

Visit the Children's Room anytime during our open hours to create art inspired by birds.

Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

Age: 5-11 and their caregivers

9am-noon Mon. Nov. 14

Homeschool with a friend!

Scripture tells us that we are better together. This includes homeschooling. Bring your kiddos and join us for a day of engaging learning to see what Classical Conversations can do for your homeschool journey.

Details in registration 0000 in registration, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

Age: Families with children 4-18

4-7pm Mon. Nov. 14

Family Mindfulness Night

Join us for an evening of mindfulness activity stations for kids ages K-5 and their parents. Pizza & camaraderie to follow!

The Story Mansion 811 S. Willson, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

Age: PreK-5 and their Parents/Caregivers