Tue. Feb. 8

Spread the Love: A Community Spirit Raiser

Spread the Love, a community spirit raiser, is back! It’s a sweet, simple, and safe way to brighten someone’s day and all proceeds benefit HRDC and Thrive. Visit https://give.classy.org/spreadthelove22

Thrive and HRDC 400 East Babcock/ 32 S. Tracy, Bozeman

Cost: Pay What You Can or For a Suggested $10 Donation

Age: All Ages

5pm Tue. Feb. 8

Stay at Home Sweet Tooth Ball

Bridgercare presents the second annual Stay-at-Home Sweet Tooth Ball! Let us bring your Valentines Day celebration to you! Support our 5,000 + patients by purchasing goodie bags, Valentines cards, or raffle tickets for a sea kayaking trip to Mexico!
