7-9pm Thu. Feb. 22

The Humor Habit with Paul Osincup

This workshop will focus on the themes of humor and leadership and is meant to help attendees develop their humor, feel confident in communicating what they are feeling, and learn how to appropriately utilize humor in everyday life and leadership settings.

MSU SUB (Strand Union Building) 280 Strand Union, Bozeman

Cost: $5

8-11pm Thu. Feb. 22

Country Swing Dance Lessons

Join the Country Renegades every Thursday for Country Swing dance lessons at Ponderosa Social Club! All experience levels are encouraged to join for lessons at 8pm and social dancing at 9pm. No partner required! See y'all out on the dance floor!

Ponderosa Social Club 515 W Aspen St Suite 100, Bozeman

Cost: $10/person

Age: All Ages