Sun. Apr. 23

Child Care Connections 4th Annual Coloring Contest

Child Care Connections is a local nonprofit advocating for the well-being and quality care of children. Our 4th Annual Coloring Contest celebrates early childhood and creates awareness of the important role early childhood plays in your community.

Virtual Event

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages

9:30am-2:30pm Sun. Apr. 23

Telepathic Animal Communication Workshop

Over the weekend, participants will practice the skills needed to communicate with domestic animals through discussion and practical exercises.

Gallatin County Fairgrounds 901 N. Black, Bozeman

Cost: $445

2-3:30pm Sun. Apr. 23

Mantras and Stories from the Vedas

Come and hear about the superheroes of the East! Experience fun chants that tap into archetypal stories and inspiration. Handouts and lyrics provided. Perfect for beginners and experienced chanters alike. Led by Kathleen Karlsen.

Emergence Movement & Wellness 521 East Peach Street, Bozeman

Cost: $20

Age: 12+