4:30-6pm Thu. Mar. 30
Join us on March 30th, 5:30-7 PM, for a night about Western Turkey Hunting with Beau Brooks! Beau will be sharing his expertise on hunting turkeys in the Western U.S., plus tactics for locating, calling, and decoying turkeys.
SITKA Depot 1251 N Rouse Ave, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
Age: All Ages
6-9pm Thu. Mar. 30
Fly-tying night every Thursday. Bring your vise and beverages to tie some flies. The fly-tying table will be open at 6 pm, and we will stay open until 9 pm. This is a non-instructional, FREE event, and the shop will be open to purchase materials.
Bozeman Fly Supply 2621 W COLLEGE ST, Unit B, BOZEMAN
Cost: FREE
Age: All Ages
7-8pm Thu. Mar. 30
SHiNE brings original routines to life using hit music and choreography for all abilities. Rooted in jazz, ballet and hip-hop, this workout gives you a creative outlet to escape from daily stress. Please visit https://bit.ly/SHiNE_RESERVE reserve your spot.
Montana Ballet Company 2304 N 7th Ave Suite C-3, Bozeman
Cost: $10
Age: All Ages