10-11am Thu. Mar. 11

Tours for Tots: Wagons, Wheels, and Wings

Each program offers a chance to ask questions as we explore each subject with a hands-on activity, art project, and related story.

Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman

Cost: FREE for members

4-5pm Thu. Mar. 11

Bozeman’s Rec Mobile

The Rec Mobile will SAFELY bring recreation to children ages 5-10 years old in neighborhood parks all across Bozeman for an hour of activity and FUN after school on Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursdays from 4pm-5pm.

Bozeman Ponds 700 S Fowler Av, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

4pm Thu. Mar. 11

Virtual Minecraft Open Lab

Join us on our private Minecraft server in the STEAMLab, or virtually in the comfort of your own home!

Montana Science Center 2744 W Main St, Bozeman

Cost: Included with Membership

Age: all ages