1:35pm Sun. Aug. 14

Constructing an Apsáalooke Elk Tooth Dress with Luella Brien

Join us for a one-of-a-kind experience with Luella Brien as she constructs an Apsáalooke elk tooth dress while discussing its cultural significance. In the Apsáalooke culture, an elk tooth dress traditionally conveys status and wealth.

Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman

Cost: Included with admission

Age: All Ages

2:35pm Sun. Aug. 14

Constructing an Apsáalooke Elk Tooth Dress with Luella Brien

Join us for a one-of-a-kind experience with Luella Brien as she constructs an Apsáalooke elk tooth dress while discussing its cultural significance. In the Apsáalooke culture, an elk tooth dress traditionally conveys status and wealth.

Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman

Cost: Included with admission

Age: All Ages

3:35pm Sun. Aug. 14

Constructing an Apsáalooke Elk Tooth Dress with Luella Brien

Join us for a one-of-a-kind experience with Luella Brien as she constructs an Apsáalooke elk tooth dress while discussing its cultural significance. In the Apsáalooke culture, an elk tooth dress traditionally conveys status and wealth.

Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman

Cost: Included with admission

Age: All Ages