10-11am Wed. Feb. 19
Join our fun and interactive program designed for toddlers and their caregivers, featuring shared readings, singing, movement activities, and sensory exploration.
Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman
Cost: Included with membership/admission
Age: (Ages 1-3)
10:15-11am Wed. Feb. 19
The Bozeman Symphony invites families with young children to attend Symphony Storytime at the Bozeman Public Library’s Community Room free of charge. Children can enjoy the unique experience of hearing a musician perform to a storybook being read.
Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
Age: Ages 3-6
10:15-11:15am Wed. Feb. 19
Sing, rhyme, read, and dance with your kiddo, and then stay for community, hands-on learning, and playtime.
Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
Age: kids ages 3-5 and their caregivers
10:15-11:30am Wed. Feb. 19
Each will include exercise like Zumba Kids, Jr. or ballet/dance taught by a trained ballet dancer!
Belgrade School District's Heck Gym 308 N Broadway, Belgrade
Cost: FREE
Age: 2-6
10:30-11:30am Wed. Feb. 19
Join us on Wednesday mornings for some light conversation, hot drinks, and free cookbooks.
Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
noon-1pm Wed. Feb. 19
Montanans from across the state are gathering at the 2025 Rally for Public Lands to call on every elected
official—from Helena to Washington, D.C.—to protect our access and keep our public lands in public hands.
Montana State Capitol 1301 E 6th Ave, Helena
Cost: FREE
Age: All Ages
noon Wed. Feb. 19
Learn to cook anti-inflammatory dinners for the whole family with Functional Nutritional Coach Karen Mitchell.
Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
1-2pm Wed. Feb. 19
Join Barb and the Qigong community for some gentle stretching, mindful breathing and a series of flowing movements to increase strength, flexibility, balance and calm.
Pilgrim United Church of Christ 2118 S 3rd Ave, Bozeman
Cost: Suggested Donation: $5-$10
Age: All Ages
1-2pm Wed. Feb. 19
Explore exciting sensory awareness activities specifically designed for newborns. Engage with your baby through interactive shared readings, singing, movement, and exploration experiences.
Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman
Cost: Included with membership/admission
Age: (0-18 months)
3:30-5pm Wed. Feb. 19
Sing-Along for Seniors.
Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
4-5pm Wed. Feb. 19
Kids can read with an Intermountain Therapy Dog each Wednesday afternoon.
Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
Age: All Ages
Visual Art
4-6pm Wed. Feb. 19
Bring any type of easily mobile fiber based craft for a social meet up with other fiber artists in the Bozeman community.
Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
Visual Art
5-7pm Wed. Feb. 19
The Zoot Art Gallery in Bozeman is pleased to announce its first exhibit of 2025, “Human Nature” presented by Bozeman artist duo Jack Schnepf and Emma Bergman.
Zoot Enterprises 555 Zoot Enterprises Lane, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
Age: All Ages
Food & Drink
5-9pm Wed. Feb. 19
Every Wednesday in Fielding's is Vine Night! Enjoy 25% off bottles of wine and our Chef's $35 family style dinner.
Fielding's 24 W Mendenhall St., Bozeman
5:30-8pm Wed. Feb. 19
Come have a beer and enjoy some tunes!
Bridger Brewing Co 1609 S 11th Ave, Bozeman
Cost: no cover
6-7pm Wed. Feb. 19
The winners of this establishment’s weekly trivia competition are given a prize fit for their accomplishments: they get to drink for free!
Katabatic Brewing Company 117 W Park St, Livingston
Age: 21+
6-8pm Wed. Feb. 19
Come Check Out the Most Accessible, Varied, and Fun Trivia Nights Designed for Anyone who Loves to Play Games. Free-to-Play & Prizes for the Winners.
SHINE Beer Sanctuary + Bottle Shop 451 E Main St, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
6-10pm Wed. Feb. 19
Whether you sing, spit ryhmes, yodel or mime, come join us for a fun-filled evening. We offer 20 minute time slots. Call (406) 577-2130 to reserve your spot. Open jam starting at 9 PM!
The Bunkhouse Brewery 7715 Shedhorn Dr., Four Corners
Cost: FREE
Age: All Ages
6:40pm Wed. Feb. 19
Sharing ideas with the community...Designers, inventors, adventurers, entrepreneurs and more!
The Ellen Theatre 17 W. Main St., Bozeman
Cost: $9, $5.50 student
7-9pm Wed. Feb. 19
100% of the proceeds go to assisting our Veterans, their families, our youth programs, and the community.
American Legion Bar 225 E. Main St., Bozeman
Age: 18+
7-11pm Wed. Feb. 19
There will be a great dance floor every week, your favorite instructors, and all the country music you love from Bozeman's Choice 2023 DJ, DJ Habes.
The Jump 75770 Gallatin Rd, Gallatin Gateway
Cost: Lessons $10
Age: 21+ after 9pm
7pm Wed. Feb. 19
Free live music every Wednesday starting at 7pm.
Ponderosa Social Club 515 W. Aspen, Bozeman
Cost: FREE
Age: 21+
7:30pm Wed. Feb. 19
Regular party animals and intellectuals alike may enjoy Rockin R Trivia.
Rockin' R Bar 211 E. Main St, Bozeman
Cost: no cover
Age: 21+
7:30pm Wed. Feb. 19
World’s Best Guitar Musicians
Warren Miller Performing Arts Center 45465 Gallatin Road, Big Sky
Cost: Join the waitlist
8-10pm Wed. Feb. 19
A variety show where Three men bring out their friends to perform standup, improv, and sketch comedy to distract them from confronting the heat death of the universe.
Last Best Comedy 321 E Main, Alley Entrance off Rouse, Bozeman
Cost: $10
Age: 18+
8pm Wed. Feb. 19
Gather your friends for a night of trivia fun each Wednesday.
The Molly Brown 703 W. Babcock, Bozeman
Age: 21+
8pm Wed. Feb. 19
The wonderful Ladies of Bozeman can enjoy 2 free drinks, $3 drinks till 10 pm, and that booty shakin' music provided by DJ Chedda.
Club Zebra 321 E Main St, Bozeman
Cost: $10 for guys
Age: 21+
8pm Wed. Feb. 19
Come jam with us!
The Murray Bar 201 W Park St, Livingston
Cost: FREE
Age: 21+
8pm Wed. Feb. 19
The Yellowstone Women’s Music Collective is a group founded in 2023, centered around the goal of connecting, supporting, and inspiring women in music through collaboration, education, and visibility in the community.
Live From the Divide 627 East Peach Street, Bozeman
Cost: $30 Advance