Mars Fagin

A Senior at Gallatin High School, Mars Fagin enjoys writing in his free time. He is a member of the cheer squad, and dedicates the majority of his time to bettering himself in these two areas.

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Top 10 Bozeman All-Ages Date Ideas

Mars Fagin

This month, in honor of Valentine’s Day, we’ve compiled a list of all-ages date ideas for readers who are interested in spending some time with a special someone. That could be a partner, a roommate, a friend, or even a classmate! If that…

Top 10 Halloween Must-Watches

Mars Fagin

If you’re trying to build a list of must-sees this Halloween season, but just can’t quite decide what to put on that list, you’re in luck! This month, we’ve compiled a list of spooky-season classics that are undeniably…

Top 10 Bozeman Ice Cream Spots

Mars Fagin

These days, it’s impossible to figure out our town’s weather patterns. Just when we think it’s returning to a sense of normalcy, we will be struck with another cold front that wipes out our June gardens, or a heat wave that also holds the…

The Healing Effects of Nature

Mars Fagin

“The stars are apexes of what wonderful triangles! What distant and different beings in the various mansions of the universe are contemplating the same one at the same moment! Nature and human life are as various as our several constitutions…

Top 10 Places to Dress Up & Show Up

Ashley Phelan, Mars Fagin

No matter where you’re coming from or why you’re here, Bozeman has much to offer; and nightlife is on the rise. There are plenty of local bars and venues that encapsulate the city’s liveliness. Whether you need to unwind from a long…

Is It Safe To Bike In Bozeman?

Steve McGann, photos by Mars Fagin

Recently, there have been two people killed while riding bicycles in Bozeman, both struck by motor vehicles. As our hearts ache for the families and friends of these two men, we are left to ask ourselves how, and why?I have been riding bicycles in…

Top 10 Places For Soup in Bozeman

Mars Fagin

If you’ve ever spent a winter in Bozeman, you know there’s little that can warm you up once Jack Frost assails this quaint town with full force. Whether you’re a “local” or not, one thing we can all agree on is that…