Pretty Iconic

Angie Ripple  |   Friday Jan. 1st, 2021

I doubt I am alone in kicking 2020 to the curb, turning the proverbial calendar page, and welcoming what must be a better year than the one we just survived (my favorite holiday card from 2020 was the one from a friend that simply said “We Survived 2020”).

At the beginning of 2020, I chose a word for the year, something I hadn’t done before, but it seemed easier than a resolution and yet somewhat similar. The word was to be a beacon of encouragement to me. The word was Reinvent.

Three months into 2020, that word rang a resounding scream through my head because when you choose to reinvent rather than being forced to do so, it’s a much prettier word. 2020 wasn’t pretty though, or kind, it was more of a punch to the gut or slap to the face. And yet, we survived.

When marketing budgets were slashed by local and regional marketers, I kept looking for others who needed our help getting SEEN in Bozeman Magazine, and found some. We never stopped bringing our readers informative articles and information they are hungry for. And, I am still very hopeful that the arts, entertainment, and educational businesses will rebound from Covid and come back stronger than ever as soon as they are able. Our advertisers mean a great deal to me. When they hurt, I hurt, and to a fault. I am a people over profit type person.

For all the stress and worry of canceled events, closed businesses, take-out-only dining, or eat at home every meal dining, and virtual schooling, came a much needed slowing down of life for my family, and an opportunity to reinvent on a daily basis. I can tell you honestly that when I calculated the percentage of event advertising in June 2019 compared to June 2020, we were down 40%. I freaked out, but the yin to my yang (husband/business partner) was calm and collected and assured me we would be okay, and we were.

And as this has gotten very personal and you may or may not relate to me, I hope that this year brings you more joy than grief, more prosperity than you expect, and I hope you will continue to read, learn from, and patronize Bozeman Magazine!

My word for 2021 is Icon. I hope you see Bozeman Magazine as a publishing icon in our region. Our readers and advertisers have trusted us to deliver 162 months in a row, pretty iconic. I’d like to tell more stories about our local icons, the Native Americans that have cared for our land for ages, the Bozemanites who are making a difference in our community, the landmarks and places that make our town unique, anything that stands out over the test of time. If you would like to join me this year in telling those stories, please reach out. I am just an email away.

2021, we got this, together.

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