City to Host Fowler Avenue Connection Community Event

The City of Bozeman, in partnership with Sanderson Stewart, will host a public meeting to discuss the thirty percent (30%) design of the Fowler Avenue corridor connection project. The corridor, located west of 19th Avenue and east of Ferguson Avenue, connects W. Oak Street to Huffine Lane. Event details are below. “We hope residents can come out to this event, ask questions, and chat with us,” Transportation and Engineering Director Nicholas Ross stated. “Fowler is an important thoroughfare for our community in a number of ways, and as such, we want to make sure that we keep communication channels open
and do all we can to hear from neighbors and help them however we can.”

Project team members will be in attendance to provide project status updates and answer questions. The community is invited to stop by anytime between 6-7:30 p.m. A formal presentation will begin promptly at 6:30 p.m. The presentation is expected to last 20 minutes, followed by a question-and-answer session. For those who are unable to attend the open house in-person, a virtual option is available. Event details including a link to attend virtually will be available on the project website. In addition, presentation information and an opportunity to post your questions will be made available on the project webpage,

The Fowler Avenue connection project kicked off with the pre-design phase in the fall of 2021. During this phase, the project team focused on understanding existing conditions along the corridor, including environmental and traffic analyses, gathering input from the community on design elements, and estimating potential costs.

By August of 2022, the project team provided a final Pre-Design Report and conducted a work session on the next steps for the project with the Transportation Advisory Board and the City Commission. After hearing a summary of community input and the traffic and environmental analyses, City Commission directed staff to move into the design phase of the project.

Based on pre-design comments, analysis, and City Commission direction, the project team has moved into the design phase of the project. During this phase, a thirty percent (30%) design has been developed and the project team is ready to share it with the community. At this stage, the basic layout and some key details have been outlined, but the design will become more refined as it progresses into the 60% design (estimated completion September 2024) and 90% design phases (estimated completion January 2025).

For more information on the Fowler Avenue Connection project and for specific project details, visit the project website:

Cost: FREE


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Wed. May. 8, 2024   6-7:30pm

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