What Can Be Done About Climate Change, and How Much Will it Cost?

Gallatin Valley Earth Day presents "“What Can Be Done About Climate Change, and How Much Will it Cost?" by Dr. Richard Ready on Tuesday, March 22 at 7 pm REGISTER for this free online talk: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/4804758482046075408 What are the things that we can do to slow and even reverse climate change? Which actions are more effective? Which actions are less expensive? In this talk, Dr. Ready will discuss different tools that we already have in our toolbox to reduce and reverse greenhouse gas emissions. About the Presenter, Dr. Richard Ready Dr. Richard Ready is Professor of Environmental and Natural Resource Economics at Montana State University. His research centers on how people benefit from the environment and natural resources and how they impact them.

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages


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Tue. Mar. 22, 2022   7-8:30pm

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