One Day Animal Communication Class

Everyone has the ability to communicate with animals. Awaken this innate ability through meditations and exercises and talk to animals in just one day. • If you have ever wanted to know what your animal is thinking, feeling, their life purpose, or how to help them with a behavioral or physical condition, this workshop is for you! • Being able to communicate with animals can help you to understand them better whether general care, handling or training and deepen your bond like never before. • Being able to communicate means doing so from home, work, errands, business or vacation. • Students can join our FREE community and receive weekly helpful articles and those who complete the class are invited to join our animal communication practice chat email group.


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Sun. Oct. 17, 2021   9am-6pm

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 (713) 822-4382

Kim Shotola The Lightfoot Way
near Emigrant
Livingston, MT