Teen Advisory Group
Teen Advisory Group is open to all teens ages 12-18 and anyone in 6th-12th grades during the 2020-21 school year.
TAG Business Meetings: Second Tuesday of each month @ 5:30. Come to the library to help plan and organize teen events along with completing additional library projects as necessary. (participation in TAG business meetings can be counted as volunteer hours)
April 20th 5:30 pm: Teen Poetry Event. Teens are invited to participate in a poetry workshop where they will be able to create their own poems using a variety of poetry generation methods including blackout poetry, book spine haikus, mesostics, and more.
Teens who are interested in TAG are encouraged but not required to fill out the following form https://forms.gle/bGrwuQ9sBFWoD8eC7
Cost: FREE
Age: ages 12-18
This event is over.
Second Tuesday until Aug. 31, 5:30pm
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