Monthly Vegan Potluck in Livingston

Live and Let Livingston celebrates Lemons! On December 8th, 1896, African American inventor John Thomas White received a patent for his new improved lemon juicer. One hundred and twenty-three years later, Live and Let Livingston joyfully celebrates fresh lemons for bringing fresh zesty life to both sweet and savory dishes! The monthly Live and Let Livingston Vegan Food Potluck will take place at the Park County Senior Center, 206 South Main Street, on Sunday, December 8 at 4:30pm. The theme is always optional, and the recipe demo will be Lemon Tahini Sauce. All who choose kindness are welcome: students, families, tourists, animal lovers, and the veg-curious. Potluck attendees are asked to bring a 100% plant-sourced dish; free of flesh, fishes, eggs, animal-derived dairy, and honey. Participants are also asked to bring their recipe or a list of all ingredients used, (for the benefit of those with food allergies). The theme is always optional, and those who don't want to cook can bring something to drink. Live and Let Livingston meets on the second Sunday of every month, at 4:30pm. Delicious food, educational resources, and recipes are shared with those who care about their health, the planet, and most of all, the animals. Plates, cups, utensils, napkins, and warming trays are provided, along with hot tea, coffee, and non-dairy creamers. Anywhere from 2-4 dozen people attend and there are usually several gluten-free and raw dishes offered, along with the inevitable… cupcakes! For more information or cruelty-free recipes, join Live and Let Livingston on Facebook and Vegans Rock Montana on, (where recipes are listed on the message board pages) or call Bonnie Goodman at 222-0321 to be added to the monthly recipe email list.

Cost: FREE

Age: All Ages


This event is over.

Sun. Dec. 8, 2019   4:30-7pm

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Livingston Events Events

For More Information
 Bonnie Goodman
 (406) 222-0321

Park County Senior Center
206 South Main Street
Livingston, MT 59047