Gallatin Valley Climate Strike, March, and Rally

Join us in Bozeman on September 20th. We will meet at Cooper Park at 1pm to begin marching at 1:30. We will walk down Main Street ending at Bogert Park for inspirational speakers, music, dancing and fun.

School strikers are calling on everyone: young people, parents, workers, and all concerned citizens to join massive climate strikes and a week of actions starting on September 20.

People all over the world will use their power to stop “business as usual” in the face of the climate emergency. We will join young people in the streets to demand an end to the age of fossil fuels and emergency action to avoid climate breakdown.

Cost: FREE

Age: all ages


This event is over.

Fri. Sep. 20, 2019   1pm

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Cooper Park Off Leash Dog Area
700 W Story Rd.
Bozeman, MT 59715