Summer Education Series

June 27th and 30th: Hawks and Falcons

July 7th: Eagles

July 11th and 14th: Ecosystem: River and Ecosystem: Prairie

July 18th and 21st: Vultures and Owls 

July 25th and 28th: Dynamic flyers and raptor identification 

August 1st and 4th: Owls and Owl Identification 

August 8th and 11th: Open House! Montana Raptors and Raptor Center intro 

August 22nd and 25th: Dynamic flyers and migration 

August 29th and September 1st: Raptor identification and migration 



This event is over.

Wed. Jun. 20, 2018   6-7pm

Sat. Jun. 23, 2018   10-11am

Wed. Jun. 27, 2018   6-7pm

Sat. Jun. 30, 2018   10-11am

Sat. Jul. 7, 2018   10-11am

Wed. Jul. 11, 2018   6-7pm

Sat. Jul. 14, 2018   10-11am

Wed. Jul. 18, 2018   6-7pm

Sat. Jul. 21, 2018   10-11am

Wed. Jul. 25, 2018   6-7pm

Sat. Jul. 28, 2018   10-11am

Wed. Aug. 1, 2018   6-7pm

Sat. Aug. 4, 2018   10-11am

Wed. Aug. 8, 2018   6-7pm

Sat. Aug. 11, 2018   10-11am

Wed. Aug. 22, 2018   6-7pm

Sat. Aug. 25, 2018   10-11am

Wed. Aug. 29, 2018   6-7pm

Sat. Sep. 1, 2018   10-11am

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