Elise R. Donohue Lecture: The Nonpartisan League in North American Politics

The Elise R. Donohue Lectures of the American West,
In memory of Walter S. Rosenberry

Michael J. Lansing’s Insurgent Democracy:
The Nonpartisan League in North American Politics

In 1915, western farmers mounted one of the most significant challenges to party politics America has seen: the Nonpartisan League. The organization sought to empower citizens and restrain corporate influence. Before its collapse in the 1920s, the League counted over 250,000 paying members, yet today it is all but forgotten, neglected even by scholars. Michael J. Lansing’s newly released book, Insurgent Democracy, offers a new look at the Nonpartisan League and a new way to understand its rise and fall in Montana, the United States and Canada. Join MOR for a stimulating evening of discussion about the Nonpartisan League.

Presented in association with the History and Philosophy Department, Montana State University.

Cost: Free


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Wed. Mar. 30, 2016   6-7pm

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