Garden Writer Lauren Springer

Zone 4 Magazine and the Emerson Center for Culture and the Arts present an evening with Lauren Springer Ogden, best-selling author of garden classics The Undaunted Garden, Plant-Driven Design, and Waterwise Plants for the Sustainable Garden.

Titled Making a Habitat Garden: Creating beauty and diversity for both people and creatures, Lauren's presentation includes slides that show how gardens can attract animals and birds, providing secure homes for wildlife.

Join Lauren as she explains the concepts and practices that make a garden good habitat for a variety of creatures, and discusses a number of the best plants for food shelter, and material for rearing young.

Lauren is internationally known for her design work, writing, and plant introductions. Panayoti Kelaidis, senior curator at the Denver Botanic Gardens, calls Lauren "the premier garden designer in America." She and her husband Scott Ogden have been featured in the New York Times, Wall Street Journal, Martha Stewart Living, Sunset, and Horticulture magazines, as well as on television shows.

Tickets at the door $10 or may be purchased in advance at the Emerson. $5 if purchased in combination with a ticket for the Emerson Garden & Home tour. The Emerson Center for Culture and the Arts, 111 S. Grand, Bozeman.

Cost: $10


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Thu. Aug. 7, 2014   7pm

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The Emerson Center for the Arts & Culture
111 South Grand Ave
Bozeman, MT 59718