6 All-Too-Common Marriage Issues in Later Life -- and How to Resolve Them

Monday Oct. 23rd, 2023

When two people get together in a sweet bond called marriage, there's bound to be some issues as they age and hormones get lazy. And because no one is alike, both you and your partner's uniqueness will cause a little problem here and there. There are many all-too-common marriage issues, sometimes petty, but some are quite a ton, especially in later life. Resolving them can be trickier than you think!

Common Marriage Issues in Later Life and Ways to Solve Them

Communication Blues
Many couples are pretty sure that they completely know each other inside out after years of marriage. But since life is a continuous journey, people change and evolve, whether for the better or worse. The remedy? Keep talking. Share your thoughts and feelings, even how simple the topic may be. Even if it's only about a new recipe you tried or the new flower bed you prepared in the garden. Engage in discussing evolving interests and rekindle your connection.

So, continue to be interested in each other, hobbies and all. It's like discovering a whole new world within your home. So, keep the conversation flowing.

Financial Fights
Most of the time, money matters can lead to epic showdowns of financial issues. But with a little determination, you can sit down and discuss your finances openly and honestly. Share and discuss your financial goals, budgets, and other priorities. You can even throw in a little date night with a budget-friendly twist to avoid more money problems.

But if your financial quarrels can't be resolved, filing for divorce might be your last resort to live peacefully. If you're from the Lone Star State, you can ask experts how to file for a divorce in Texas. Otherwise, you may ask for the services of divorce attorneys in your state. 

While it's not really a straightforward path, divorce proceedings can be your final option. Keep in mind, though, that there are many, if not too complicated, requirements to meet. So when the going gets too rough to get along, it's best to ask for legal advisers to weigh out your options. 

Empty Nest Syndrome
When the kids have grown and fly the coop, you might feel like your home turned into a ghost town. Some couples find it hard to adjust from too hectic days with the kids to doing nothing. Life together becomes dull and rough, especially when you both start bickering for no reason. The solution? Rekindle your hobbies. Remember that both of you have pursued different interests before you got cooped up with family life. So it's time to get up and feel competitive again. You can also plan a surprise weekend getaway or just binge-watch your favorite shows together. Actually, you can both get busy with each other if you want boredom to go away. There are romantic walks in autumn, destination getaways during summer, and perfect icy hikes in winter. It's high time you indulge and enjoy your newfound freedom!

Health Hiccups
As the years roll on, there are health issues that might disturb your long years together. The maintenance, doctor times, and costs might stretch and stress both of you. It's why you hear of couples calling it quits because of health-related problems

These can be tough times, but it's best to support each other. It may get more burdensome, but at least you continue to inspire each other to hold on because it will all pass.

Support each other by eating healthy foods, exercising together, scheduling regular check-ups, and attending to each other. 

And, since laughter is the best medicine, remember to share a good chuckle every time.

Boredom Busters
Routine and boredom can be your marriage's killer. You get bored because of so many things that sometimes, you're not even sure what. It's just that you need more energy to listen to your spouse nagging. 

Might as well spice things up! Why not try new things together? Sign up for dance or art classes, a cooking adventure, or go on that bucket list trip you've always dreamed of. Adventure is your greatest ally to fight Mrs. or Mr. Boredom!

Memory Mishaps
It just started out as forgetting when was your first date, then boom! Dear beloved refuses to eat or starts the "invisible you" episodes. But forgetfulness is part of getting "the age," so it's best to clear up some misunderstandings. 

Experts found that forgetting where you placed your keys, passwords, or names of former classmates are not signs of dementia. They're actually considered normal as people age.

So relax, just accept that there are so many things you may not remember anymore. Just say sorry and move on. Keep things lighthearted. You can joke a lot about it, actually. Then, help each other out when forgetfulness strikes. 

Bottom Line

Every marriage is quite different for every couple. Experiences also vary, especially as the husband and wife get older. Physical, emotional, and habitual concerns get complicated as aging sets in.It may be a handful, but taking it one loving step at a time is best. Just be with each other, do things together, and experience together. It's where you may find patience and mindfulness go hand in hand to help your aging feelings.