9am-3pm Mon. Mar. 11

Spring Break Camp: Cryptid Creatures

Would a mermaid be able to breathe underwater, or need to come up for air? How would sasquatch stay warm? Jin us for a week of cryptid fun at MSC! Learn all about the science behind our favorite cryptids and mythical creatures.

Montana Science Center 2744 W Main St, Bozeman

Cost: $250 ($295 with Aftercare)

Age: Grades 1-5

9am-5pm Mon. Mar. 11

Homeschool Monday

Homeschool families may make reservations to visit twice per month and engage in museum learning through a self-guided, thematic scavenger hunt.

Museum of the Rockies 600 West Kagy Boulevard, Bozeman

Cost: free for students and one chaperone

Age: K - 12

10-10:30am Mon. Mar. 11

Preschool Science

Join us for a shared storytime, hands-on STEAM activity, and take-home craft. Sponsored by Bozeman Health and Dino Drop-In.

Montana Science Center 2744 W Main St, Bozeman

Cost: Included with Admission

Age: Ages 3-5

10am-noon Mon. Mar. 11

Spring Fling

Each day during Spring Break, hands-on science at the Science Station and a spring-themed craft to take home!

Montana Science Center 2744 W Main St, Bozeman

Cost: Included with Admission

Age: All Ages

4-6pm Mon. Mar. 11

Minecraft Mechanisms

Coding and hands-on fun for beginners. Learn how to make circuits with redstone and other interactive structures in Minecraft. Register at https://www.montanasciencecenter.org.

Montana Science Center 2744 W Main St, Bozeman

Cost: STEAMlab Membership

Age: Ages 9+

6-8pm Mon. Mar. 11

Game Night Live Trivia

With Picture Rounds, Sound Rounds, Word Jumbles and more.. There's Something for Everyone.

Wildrye Distilling 111 East Oak Street Suite 1E, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

Age: 21+

7-8:30pm Mon. Mar. 11

Joining Rivers Sangha

Rotating program between 5 Mindfulness Trainings recitation, talks or share readings, and a tea ceremony.

Bozeman Dharma Center P.O. Box 964, Bozeman

Age: 18-40