The Resolution Solution

Sunday Dec. 30th, 2012

The New Year is upon us once again, along with all of the resolutions that we tend to make and never really commit to. Lose weight, go to the gym, stop smoking…etc…   In a culture obsessed with perfection the making of resolutions and not keeping them can leave us feeling …well…imperfect. Like losers and quitters who can never get anything finished. That feeling can very easily become a firm belief the more it is accepted as truth in your thought patterns. Once that belief is ingrained in your psyche and becomes your truth it will be difficult to re-pattern. Feeling like a loser will begin to cross over in to other areas of your life and will hold you back from reaching the balance you were originally seeking by making the resolution in the first place. What if this year any resolutions you make you are able to keep? And in keeping your resolution you will actually obtain and keep real balance all throughout 2013?

The key to making and keeping your resolution is easily mastered by turning your Resolution into a Solution.

Resolution: Get in Shape
Solution: Practice Yoga
Yoga is a practice that nourishes body, mind and soul. Yoga has been practiced for centuries and has been shown to strengthen the immune system, increase flexibility, aid in weight loss, reduce stress and much more. The easiest way to keep a commitment to a daily yoga practice is to buy a beginner’s yoga DVD, a yoga mat and a few minutes set aside daily. That’s it. Your beginning workout will take less than a half hour. Keep your mat and DVD out where you can see them and they will inspire you to use them.

Resolution: Healthy Eating
Solution: Eat Local Foods
Eating local foods is good for your body and your community. The advantages to locally grown foods are many. Local foods promote sustainable growing practices, are often non-GMO and organic and you know right where your food is coming from. You can also shop for local meats, baked goods and other foods at Farmer’s Markets or directly from the producer. Among the latest trends in restaurant fare is Farm to Fork so you can stick to your resolution while enjoying an evening out. Fast food is off limits for a year if you choose this resolution but I am guessing that after eating local for a year you aren’t going to miss your corporate owned drive-thru window one little bit.

Resolution: Waste Less
Solution: Recycle
This is good both for your soul and the planet. An elaborate recycling commitment would entail setting up several bins and completely sorting everything that is thrown away and then taking the recyclables to a recycling center. This is great but for many of us not do-able. We get busy; our recyclables pile up and get messy so we put them in the trash instead. A simpler form of recycling? Refuse single-use plastics. What are single use plastics, you ask? Single use plastics include any plastic item that you use only once and then throw away. Straws, cups, cutlery, grocery bags and the like are responsible for fourteen billion pounds of plastic in the world’s precious oceans yearly. The next time you get take- out food tell them you don’t need the plastic accessories they usually pack in the bag. Don’t use plastic straws in drinks. Bring your own reusable bags to the grocery or ask for paper bags or boxes. No more plastic water bottles for you to throw away if you carry a reusable water bottle. You can also carry your own eating utensils with you for a meal on the go.

Resolution: Make More Money
Solution: Start Saving
Worrying about having enough money creates a lot of stress and wastes time and energy. However, making a resolution to pay off all of your debt in 2013 may not be obtainable for you. There is nothing more depressing than feeling that you are the eternal hamster on the wheel as far as your finances are concerned. Making a simple promise to yourself that every month you will put away into savings ten percent of your monthly income is easy. Saving will become easier as you watch your money grow and your sense of well being and security as well.

Resolution: Make a Difference
Solution: Volunteer
Volunteering is great for you. Did you know that philanthropy stimulates the brain’s pleasure centers and increases feel good endorphins? Another great thing about volunteering is that the amount of time you choose to give can be adjusted to ft your schedule. Volunteering need not be made too elaborate, either. Baking cookies? Double the batch and share them with a neighbor. If you are shoveling your walk you can shovel a neighbor’s too. You can volunteer to babysit or even weed a yard or garden to share in the joy of giving.

Resolution: To Appreciate What You Have
Solution: Practice Gratitude
Recently I participated in a Social Media experiment called “30 Days of Gratitude”. Each day of the month leading up to Thanksgiving participants in the experiment posted something they are grateful for on their social media page. Posting about gratitude every day really puts things into perspective. It is so easy to get bogged down in the negative side of life that we can fail to see the positive. A month of gratitude was enlightening for me but a whole year of formally recognizing gratitude daily could be life changing if this practice becomes a permanent part of your life.

Resolution-To Be More Productive
Solution: Create your Day
Every morning take a few moments to visualize your day and in doing this you make it so. The thought and intention you project become your reality. Ask yourself every morning this simple question, “What do I intend for this day?” This question will begin a framework for creating a day that is productive and exciting. One exciting and productive day of practicing creative visualization leads to another and then a month and then six months and so on. Remember to leave the possibilities open that your day may be more wonderful than you visualized it to be and expect this to become the norm more often than not as you practice the art of manifestation.

Resolution: To Have a Happy Family
Solution: Reach Out
Can you imagine having more enriching relationships with your family and friends in 2013? Does this image seem like an impossible dream and a whole lot of work? Make it happen in baby steps by reaching out to them on a daily basis. There are a few easy to remember ways to do this. You can send a “Thinking of You” text, post a special photo or link to their Social Media page, make a quick phone call to check in or share good news or pop by for a quick hello and a hug. Reaching out to them means that you also get an added benefit when you receive them connecting and reaching back out to you. Love is a two-way street with avenues of giving and receiving. No one can do it alone.

Cheers to You for a Happy, Healthy and Balanced 2013!

Kathleen Johns is a Holistic Advisor, Reiki Master and Psychic committed to helping her clients achieve life balance. Kathleen can be reached through her website at Photos Zach Hoffman