Most Romantic of Valentines Days to You

Sarah Cairoli, Angie Ripple

Ahhhh, February. Love is in the air and the pressure is on. Valentine’s Day is right around the corner. Some people are looking for that special someone while others are just looking for a special way to express their feelings. Finding that…

OBAMA Takes Executive Action Regarding Guns

Pat Hill

Last month President Obama took executive actions aimed at curbing gun violence in the United States, and the reviews have been expectedly mixed. The President has not called for any new laws, issuing executive actions rather than executive orders…

Dharma Is a Funny Word

Kris Drummond

In a culture accustomed to the great monotheistic traditions, we generally expect our places of worship to reflect the magnificence and power written into the creation story. Stained glass, ornate carvings, bell towers, brick and mortar. Solidity…

Bozeman's Choice is the People's Choice

Angie Ripple

On Oct. 16 our first-ever Bozeman’s Choice Reader’s Poll went live and our readers responded immediately. The big, giant, massive poll covered everything from local restaurants to local media, to arts and entertainment and everything in…

Conquer Winter Together

Some wish it would come sooner, others wish it would not come at all, but every year, winter does arrive. And this year winter arrived with a bang. Overnight, several inches of snow, ice, and wind that slowed traffic to a crawl and had Bozeman…

Driving In Snow

The return to winter driving always reminds me of my first winter out on my own living above Eckle’s Department Store in downtown Dodge City, Kansas. Snowstorms in western Kansas usually mean lots of wind, bare fields, and huge drifts. On…