From Bareback to Challenger and Back to MSU by Dr. Loren Acton

The Honors College proudly presents a lecture by Dr. Loren Acton, Astronaut and Professor of Physics, entitled "From Bareback to Challenger and Back to MSU." 

This talk will trace an incredible and adventuresome trail from Fergus County, MT, to orbiting planet Earth, and back to Montana State University. The trail has led through the timberland of scientific exploration almost from the beginning. Many side sorties, unanticipated signposts, and perhaps a bit of luck have helped to guide the way while my studies of our star, the Sun, have illuminated the path. It has been a great junket – and it’s not over yet!

The presentation is part of the Honors Presents Lecture Series. This lecture is free and open to the public.


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Wed. Mar. 7, 2018   2pm

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