What are your passions?  Getting connected to your passion!!!

Sometimes our responsibilities in life distract us from things we feel truly passionate about.  As students, we may be preoccupied with school, extra-curricular activities, video games, television, etc. . . and these may not be our true passions.  As adults, we may not find as much time as we'd like to focus on our true interests.  All these distractions may lead to our feeling disconnected, disinterested, overwhelmed, and with the winter blues.  So, how can we identify or remember what our true passions even are? How can we find ways to incorporate the pursuit of these even when time does not seem to allow for it? How can family members and friends support each other's discovery of passions and encourage them to pursue them?  Avoid the winter blues and come connect to your passions during this informal and interactive session!! Class is free of charge.  For more information and to register, go to http://www.bsd7.org/students_parents/parent_university  


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Tue. Feb. 7, 2017   noon-1pm

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