6am-8pm Sun. Jul. 21

Wetland BioBlitz 2024

Join Sacajawea Audubon Society at the Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve for our third annual BioBlitz, a citizen science project where you can join teams led by experts in birds, plants, and more to find as many species as possible in one weekend!

Indreland Audubon Wetland Preserve

Cost: FREE

Age: 8+ (ages 8-15 must bring a parent/guardian)

2-3pm Sun. Jul. 21

Intro to Sewing

Learn how to sew with Peg Ziegler in this introductory class.

Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

Age: adults

2-4pm Sun. Jul. 21

Family Maker Lab

Frost and top cupcakes to create edible sculptures.

Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

4-6pm Sun. Jul. 21

Six Viewpoints Adult 6-Week Workshop

Led by Isabel Shaida, the Six Viewpoints Workshops at Tinworks Art are free, public programs inspired by Montana-based artist Mary Overlie (1946-2020) and her creation of Six Viewpoints for understanding body and relationship to space.

Tinworks Art 719 N. Ida Ave, Bozeman


Age: Adults