8:30am-4pm Mon. Jul. 17

Game Bots & Attack Bots Robotics with LEGO® bricks

Calling all gamers! Have a blast creating robotic games each day while learning about robotics. Students will learn about gear ratio, sensors, programming, and pulleys as they create fun to play games and military inspired attack robotics.

Montana State University , Bozeman

Cost: $169-$319

Age: 7-14

10am-8pm Mon. Jul. 17

Mini Invisible Prairie Installation

Bathe in prairie landscapes, explore natural artifacts, & chart constellations in this mini installation from Tinworks Art.

Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

Age: all ages

12:15pm Mon. Jul. 17


Our movement series meets weekly outside to the east of Bozeman Public Library. Please call (406)582-2410 or check bozemanlibrary.org the day of if the weather is questionable.

Bozeman Public Library 626 East Main Street, Bozeman

Cost: FREE

3-6pm Mon. Jul. 17

Open Lab in the STEAMlab

Included with admission or membership.

Montana Science Center 2744 W Main St, Bozeman

Cost: No Cover

Age: 5-18